Mark II installed in my 2000 Saturn

Posted by: drakino

Mark II installed in my 2000 Saturn - 27/02/2001 12:15

Well, I got the empeg Mark II installed on Sunday, and all the kinks worked out this morning. The 2000 Saturns do appear to suffer the negative spike bug, so a diode fixed that issue. Right now, I just have the empeg hooked to a cheap 4 channel amp to drive the factory speakers, as I wanted to elliminate the tape adaptor I used for a few days. Once I save up some money, the amp and speakers are being replaced, and a sub will be installed.

I had it installed by the north Soundtrack in Colorado Springs. They did a decent install and have earned my trust for the rest of the plans I have for the car. All the installers were impressed by the unit, and really want the store to cary it now. For me, it was nice to see, compaired to the local shop that installed my Mark 1. Not many people at the local shop really "got-it", and as such, blew me off in their store. Even the manager didn't understand, and claimed to be giving me a discount on the install and possible future parts when in reality everything was way overpriced.

Overall I'm glad the install is done for now, as not having a cable mess on my upcomming road trip to the meet will be nice.