Honda Odyssey Install Porn

Posted by: kazama

Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 17/11/2001 11:47

Just posted all the pictures of my install at This is the pictures and brief description only site and is different from my instructions page.


P.S. I would like to get these pictures and the generic instructions added to the site. How do I do that?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 17/11/2001 16:23

Very nice.
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 17/11/2001 21:33

Fantastic. Thanks for posting this! Having an Odyssey myself, this gives me a bit more hope that I can actually pull it off.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 18/11/2001 05:24

Really good. The empeg looks so at home there.
If I may offer a few tips?
Secure that main power cable with zip ties (small ones) avery 15 - 20 cm. Last thing you want is it flapping around in the engine bay. Also, the constant vibrations could wear away the insulation and ZAP. Better hope that's a fast acting fuse!
Check the clearance under the amp in the back and bolt it through the floor. make sure you're not going to drill through any fuel, electric or brake lines first. It may be only slightly held onto the carpet and the end of the screw heads may be rubbing on the metal already. If it did come loose, you may not know about it and it could break someones foot in a crash.

my 0.02US coz AUS$ aint worth crap
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 19/11/2001 09:24

Good points. Question though: if I don't wish to drill through the carpet (I might be trying this exact same install very soon), is it fair game to actually _hang_ it under the seat, provided there is a place to mount it that way? Then it's more or less suspended, but the idea is to keep it secured down.

The other idea I was kicking around was to use a whole mess of Velcro(tm), but if it needs airspace below it as well ... the hanging idea remains.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 19/11/2001 10:14

Most pro installers run this kind of stuff under the carpet. Takes some work to remove the necessary panels to lift up the carpet, but the end result is a perfectly clean install.
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 19/11/2001 18:34

Alright, that does it. Between this install thread and a few others, I'm biting the proverbial bullet.

After some deliberation and discussion with pgrzelak and a few others, I've purchased my amp and speakers (no subwoofer just yet - I know, I know, hang in there, in time). We will hopefully proceed with the installation this Friday or Saturday, schedules permitting (it is a holiday, after all).

I'll take pix.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 19/11/2001 19:11

If you do lift up the carpet (I recommend it!) you could put a piece of thin ply or MDF with scre holes to attach to the amp, not the car floor. using some tapered headed metal threads to secure the board throught the carpet to the amp, using a few neatly cut holes, would secure the amp quite well. A little bit of work but quite a safe option. Put some small rubber or felt feet on the back of the screw heads to stop them searing a hole in the paintwork and it's all good.

Posted by: kazama

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 20/11/2001 10:21

You better take pics. Need to see what all this convinving has done. :)

Make sure to leave some serious time for triming down the install kit. Plastic bugger is a pain.
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 20/11/2001 15:47

(Insert evil laughter here)

We've set aside two whole days of installation excitement!

Hmm - trimming down the install kit? Uhh ... it needs trimming? (He deadpans half-seriously.)
Posted by: jdandrea

Re: Honda Odyssey Install Porn - 21/11/2001 06:44

Ah-HA! I see what you mean about trimming the install kit. Getting those plastic tabs out.

Amazingly, I managed to do it in about five minutes. Once I figured out the right amount of force to apply to the utility knife (and hence to the install kit) I got through all the tabs in short order.

But yeah - lots-o-pain. :-)

Well, at least it's out of the way now.