BBS Search request

Posted by: robricc

BBS Search request - 23/07/2002 22:36

Many times I make posts with similar info to old posts that I can't find. Is it possible to search posts made by a specific user? If there is, I can't figure it out. I'm not talking about listing all the posts by a user. When you have 900 something posts (estimated) it gets a little difficult to find the one you want.

Another alternative would be to make sigs searchable. My Mk2's serial number has always been in my sig making it a good keyword to search on. For example, on my last failed attempt at finding a post on DMA:

dma 090000736

would probably have returned the post I wanted. I just figured while we're hacking the BBS code and all.....

PS: I just noticed the attachment size has been upped to 200k. Thank you!
Posted by: drakino

Re: BBS Search request - 23/07/2002 23:38

I'll add this to my list of things to do when looking at the code next time. Not sure how hard this will be. My short term goal is to get the BBS to 5.5.1, then resume hacking. Migrating to 6 is a PITA due to having to hack out the ratings, so 6 won't be used here until I can just put in a config option to disable it, or if I ever get enough time to work on Version 2 (BBS integration is now in for Version 2, so who knows how far off that is now).