Longer Warranty?

Posted by: Lord Bleys

Longer Warranty? - 09/02/2000 00:28

I don't recall seeing this brought up in previous posts dating back to December, but I'm human and therefore prone to making mistakes. Forgive me if I'm rehashing an old subject.

Empeg certainly stands behind its product -- I have no doubt of that based upon my experiences. However, I think it might be appropriate for the warranty to be at least one year in length (as opposed to the current six month warranty).

-- Bleys

"If you would judge, understand." -- Seneca
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Longer Warranty? - 09/02/2000 01:14

As I recall, Hugo stated that the 180-day warranty is due to the fact that the US company that services the units will only honor that term. It's more of a regional and legal issue than one of reliability.

The original thread is here.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Posted by: rob

Re: Longer Warranty? - 09/02/2000 07:30

We are reviewing our US Support system at the moment.

There is a strong possibility that, for Mk.2 players and onwards, the US Warranty will be brought into line with that for the rest of the world.


Posted by: Lord Bleys

Re: Longer Warranty? - 11/02/2000 01:45

Sounds good.

-- Bleys

"If you would judge, understand." -- Seneca