Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments

Posted by: tfabris

Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments - 28/02/2000 11:40

There has been some talk in the past about assigning more functions to the remote control. For example, having a loudness up/down, a shuffle on/off or other functions added to the numeric keys on the remote. There has even been some talk about allowing the user to program macros or to re-assign the remote control keys as desired.

That's not what this post is about. Whether or not those things are implemented at all is a topic for another thread.

What I'm going to ask is, if any of the above stuff is ever implemented, please: Don't, by default, assign anything to the number 1 key or the number 4 key. Other keys, great. Just don't touch 1 and 4 please.

Why? Because if I pick up the remote (which is symmetrical along two axes) in the dark, and I fumble for the volume controls without looking at the remote, the way I know I've got it upside down is that it doesn't do anything when I press the buttons. Then I can just flip it around and I'm in business.

But if you assign something to the 1 or the 4 key, then I'll activate that function when I'm holding the thing upside-down. That could get messy, especially since the reason I did it wrong in the first place was because I'm driving in the dark and can't afford to take my eyes off the road to mess with the controls.

Now, if you somehow give the user the ability to re-map the keys, then of course you can let them assign something to 1 and 4 if they want to. Just don't put anything there by default.

Ah. Glad I got that one off my chest. Thanks for listening.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments - 28/02/2000 14:02

i think there should be a utility to map the keys to whatever you want from emplode. I am a big beliver in the ability to modify everything

Empeg Kicks Ass
S/N 00203
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments - 28/02/2000 16:42

Why? Because if I pick up the remote (which is symmetrical along two axes) in the dark, and I fumble for the volume controls without looking at the remote, the way I know I've got it upside down is that it doesn't do anything when I press the buttons. Then I can just flip it around and I'm in business.

I had this problem too, until I got a strip of neoprene tape and applied it to the back side top (top being defined as the end that spouts the IR). Now when I pick up the controller, I can feel the strip and know which end is which. Plus, the tape lets me set the controller on my horizontal dash and it not slide around. Multi-purpose!


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments - 28/02/2000 17:45

I dunno. All this talk of "neoprene", "spouting", and "sliding around" is making me queasy.

Your suggestion is a good work-around, of course. I still would advocate not assigning functions to 1 and 4 because not everyone in the real world will do a work-around like that one.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Posted by: Lord Bleys

Re: Pre-emptive suggestion: Key assignments - 28/02/2000 22:13

I personally think the RIGHT answer is to have a stalk-mounted remote option as well as a countoured remote option. Ideally the unit could handle both (but not at the same time) and could take the credit card, too (but not at the same time).

Non-stalk-mounted remotes would have some kind of mountable holster, too.

-- Bleys

"If you would judge, understand." -- Seneca