Distinct Bass and Treble controls

Posted by: NasalGoat

Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 05/04/2000 09:31

I know, not exactly "high end", but sometimes I just want to boost bass or treble a bit, without fiddling with the EQ, which requires me to pull of the road and spend five minutes figuring it out (note to EQ UI people: you're fired! :) ).

There's "Loudness", which I consider useless. It would be nice if it were replaced with "Bass" and "Treble" in the same menu. Direct remote control of the two functions would be nice too!

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 05/04/2000 10:04

Yeah, I'd thought about this, and I'm surprised no one else has brought it up before. The DSP does have the ability to implement bass and treble controls, as I recall from reading its specs. Seems like a pretty logical "joe consumer" feature. A no-brainer.

As far as your slander of the EQ UI is concerned, I won't have any of it. That EQ is absolutely awesome. I can adjust it while I'm driving if I want. Yes, there's a learning curve associated with it, but once you're past that, it's fine. They have the problem of needing to make it navigable with only four buttons. If you can design a better UI for it under that restriction, be my guest.

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Posted by: phaigh

Re: Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 05/04/2000 11:41

Hey, don't tell anyone you use it whilst driving. You'll have to sign some disclaimers...


Paul Haigh, 6GB, Blue
Reg: 4120 - Serial 00254
Posted by: NasalGoat

Re: Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 06/04/2000 06:53

The MK2 rotary controller should help significantly in the interface department here. Just rotate to select which level to adjust, press it in, then adjust the level. Simple.

But now it still sucks. There shoud be no learning curve involved. :)

Posted by: altman

Re: Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 06/04/2000 11:13

Rotate gives volume on the mk2 - pressing currently puts you into the menu structure (it's great for browsing the playlist tree!) but we may change this/make an option to have it step through the audio controls like most other rotary controls on car audio gear.


Posted by: NasalGoat

Re: Distinct Bass and Treble controls - 07/04/2000 08:00

Oh, I meant that once you had selected EQ, the rotary controller would then act like I suggested *within the EQ*.

What should happen when pressing the rotary controller in non-menu mode is it should bring up the "sound" menu only, ie. Treble, Bass, Loudness, etc., while pressing one of the four buttons will bring up the "full" menu. Probably the top button would be most logical.