Mutable Track Info

Posted by: wfaulk

Mutable Track Info - 18/08/2002 10:21

Okay, so maybe mutable isn't the best word to use, and I know someone's mentioned this before, but:

It would be nice if there was an info mode that allowed us to use some sort of markup in order to specify what showed up on the screen, so that we could define text placement and font size, etc.

It wouldn't have to be very advanced, as we only have two font sizes and very small screen area. The only things I'd think we'd need would be a way to specify the text, both from track info and static text, a way to specify its size and location, a way to specify if it should be static or if it can scroll back and forth, and, to be tidy, a way to specify a ruled line (the position indicator rule would be icing).

There'd be a couple of issues dealing with rubber lengths, I think, but they'd be not that hard to solve, as they probably mostly have been already, with the current Plays/Artist line, albeit for one specific instance.

In my mind, the markup would look something like:

$%album% (%year%)$Plays: %plays%
%indicator%$$[%playlistnumber%/%playlistlength%]^ %tracktimeplayed%^

Where ``variables'' are set off by percent marks, large font is set off by carets, and scrollable/rubber areas are set off by dollar signs. Anything not a rubber area would take up as much space as it needs, and rubber areas would take up as much space as was left and scroll the text inside them. The above markup should be an accurate representation of the current track info mode.
Posted by: Dava

Re: Mutable Track Info - 19/08/2002 02:24

The only thing that strikes me as not being there is spacing and justification, Plays for instance is right justified.

Aside from that, I think this would be great.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Mutable Track Info - 19/08/2002 08:41

Right. The rubber area in front of it would take up as much space as possible, thus pushing Plays as far to the right as possible while still showing the entire text.