Another "Append to Current Playlist" Wish

Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Another "Append to Current Playlist" Wish - 11/04/2000 12:14

I for one, very very very rarely use the search functions of the empeg. I have my music set up in such a way that I know exactly where each song lies, and it is grouped by Genre, then Artist, then Album... so if I want all my Dave Matthews Band songs to play its just a few clicks away.

What I would like to see is similar functionality for appending playlists to the current playlist using the menu instead of the search. That is, I would like to be able to hit the Append button while in the "Playlists" menu, and then whatever song or playlist I select will be appended just like if I had hit the Append button while in the search menus and selected a song there.

Empeg, is this possible at all? I would *love* to see this feature.

Any comments? Questions? Responses?


Posted by: dionysus

Re: Another "Append to Current Playlist" Wish - 11/04/2000 20:29

What I would like to see is similar functionality for appending playlists to the current playlist using the menu instead of the search. That is, I would like to be able to hit the Append button while in the "Playlists" menu, and then whatever song or playlist I select will be appended just like if I had hit the Append button while in the search menus and selected a song there.

I've mentioned this before; this would definately be a nice edition...

...proud to have one of the first Mark I units
Posted by: danthep

Re: Another "Append to Current Playlist" Wish - 12/04/2000 00:50

Oh my god! I guess i should read documentation more often. I heard about the 'append mode' on this mail list and spent ages trying to get it to work. I was doing exactly what this guy here described. I didn't realise that append only worked in the search screens.

It makes perfect sense to add append functionality to the mail playlists menu. Please do!.

Posted by: muzza

Re: Another "Append to Current Playlist" Wish - 12/04/2000 07:03

Mee too!!

I have often thought this would be handy. It is so cool to just stack up your songs as you're travelling.

-- Murray
Empeg changed my life and it did happen overnight.