Downloading tunes from emplode

Posted by: mpelaz

Downloading tunes from emplode - 12/09/2002 03:00


Sorry if this question / wish is in any place of this forum, i'm not very good with english...

When i download tunes from Riocar to my HDD , i have to create each folder. Would it be possible to emplode to create or keep the same names or structure that it has on the Riocar?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Downloading tunes from emplode - 12/09/2002 03:16

If you use Jemplode instead of Emplode to download the tunes, you can do an unlimited number of options for naming files and folders. For instance, you can create artist/album directories by specifying {artist}\{title} etc.

I agree that it would be nice to have this feature in Emplode as well.