Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The"

Posted by: drakino

Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The" - 16/09/2003 00:46

The empeg ignores "The" in searches already (along with a few other words), but every else, it dosen't.

I would like to see the empeg sort my playlists ignoring common starter words, or have an option to sort my playlists in emplode ignoring these words, so I can turn off "Sort playlist menu by title" on the player.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The" - 16/09/2003 06:48

I've just created all playlists with such common words at the end. Howver, all "songs" are properly tagged (as well as the player's DB) with those words where they belong. All songs are also tagged with track number.

So I turn off the sort feature in the player, sort alphabetically in emplode for playlists, sort by track number for album lists and sync my database like that.

It would be nice to have these details handled automatically, but that's also most important with a soup-type view. If I'm taking time to prepare the lists myself before-hand, such as using emplode, then I just put in that extra bit of work to make sure everything is arranged properly.

Damn, have to get to work.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The" - 16/09/2003 09:48

I just gave up on that and started counting "The" as part of the title. For instance, all of my Beatles tracks are filed under "T". Life got a lot easier after that.
Posted by: tms13

Re: Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The" - 17/09/2003 07:58

If JEmplode is an option for you, you'll find it will do what you want (sort ignoring "The"). This is how I generally use it, with on-player sorting of menus disabled.

I also use the otherwise unused Artist field of my artist playlists and sort on those - that gets me "record shop ordering" where (title="Jeff Beck" artist="Beck, Jeff") sorts near to (title="The Beatles" artist="Beatles")[1]. You might be able to make this technique work for you in Emplode, too. Whilst entering artist tags on your playlists might seem a lot of work compared to hand-ordering your playlists, I find that copy+paste makes it less painful and that it saves time in the long run as more artists get added.

[1] The first two solo artists I thought of were Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Shannon - neither of which illustrate this point very well!
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Have the empeg or emplode ignore "The" - 17/09/2003 15:40

Previous musings on the word "the."