Multiple edit in EMPLODE

Posted by: iank

Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 24/08/2000 15:16

It's be nice if you could select a list of tracks and edit their common fields at once. IE : select all then change the date field. The intreface seems to imply this now with V1.0. You can multiple select but any change only impacts the first item in the selection.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 24/08/2000 15:19

Agreed. Many have requested this one. I'd like to see it, too.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 25/08/2000 17:10

Having read the posts about the MP3-Tag studio too late (after having reviewed & tweaked some 1600+ tags one by one) this is a biggie on my wishlist just so nobody else has to suffer through 6-8 hours of mind numbing tedium... Another note on Emplode, showing all the ID3 tag's info, genre for example would be _very_ useful in cleaning up the few files that are 'dance' instead of 'Dance' etc. Love the player, don't really care for emplode. Could be after 8 hours on ID3 tags...familiarity breeds...what did it breed again? ;-)


Posted by: iank

Re: Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 26/08/2000 00:55

Many of our MP3 tag woes could be solved by some small changes to emplode. I'm also looking forward to WMA support as, IMHO, that is a superior codec in all respects.

Now if only my installer would earn his money and get the damn system working properly. Arrrrgggggg!

Posted by: Henno

Re: Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 26/08/2000 02:13

showing all the ID3 tag's info (..) would be _very_ useful

There is a work around:
Dump your playlist to disk (comma delimited) and load it into Excel, with a bit of sorting you can easily find Tag errors.

BTW: On Tag editing
I use TagRename to do this (edits MP3 files under W98). It allows to change a tag and with a simple click:
- commit the changes
- move on to the tag of the next track

*Very* efficient and a lot easier to program than e.g. bulk renames. I wish Empeg Ltd. would have a go at this for emplode, pending more powerful editing facilities

mk2 6 nr 6
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Multiple edit in EMPLODE - 26/08/2000 06:17

I don't think emplode is that bad, but I do agree that guys@empeg should change their mind about it not being ID3 editor and improve that part of functionality along the lines mentioned here.

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green