Pluggable Audio Filter

Posted by: eternalsun

Pluggable Audio Filter - 03/12/2000 18:48

How about a pluggable architecture for audio filters? Then people can independently create stuff like "Concert Hall" and "Kareoke mode" and "Echo Chamber" -- or perhaps even more intelligent audio filters with options, like "Concert Hall with configurable size" and "Echo Chamber, configurable number of echos" to make it sound anything from a bathroom to a cave. And perhaps some truly intelligent stuff like "noise cancellation" ... the possibilities are endless. :-)

What you think?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Pluggable Audio Filter - 03/12/2000 23:39

Although I cringe whenever I see car stereos with echo and reverb effects built-in (such stuff can only make the noisy car environment ever noisier), I agree that the ability to add audio plug-ins would be awesome.

There was a point in time when I thought that the already-planned plug-in architecture was supposed to encompass more than just visuals-- that all sorts of cool stuff could be implemented via plug-ins. I got the impression that the plug-in architecture would be flexible enough to allow RJLov to write his volume adjustment feature as a plug-in.

I don't know if this is really what they're planning or not, but it makes sense from the user's perspective. Any words on this, Hugo?

And in a related note: As I was driving home from dinner tonight, I was thinking that another thing which would be cool would be to have a scripting or "macro" language where you could load scripts via Emplode and trigger them via the UI and the remote control. If the plug-in architecture is really as all-encompassing as I'm hoping, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to throw a few shells around the APIs, add a simple parser with some really basic if-then and loop capabilities, and bingo, you've got a scripting language. Okay, I know I'm dreaming...

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Pluggable Audio Filter - 04/12/2000 10:07

Yeah, I've been asking for "macros" (basically scripting) ever since I got used to the remotes.
I never use my steering-wheel vol ajd. buttons, so I'd like to remap those to scripts to do other functions. I guess we'll just keep dreaming....

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: phaigh

Re: Pluggable Audio Filter - 05/12/2000 14:32

Scripting would also solve at lot of my issues with searching the whole database..

Just imagine the possibilities....



Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357