Battery Powered

Posted by: CyberGlitch

Battery Powered - 02/11/2001 10:28

A friend brought this up today and thought I'd post and see what others think is it's even remotly possable.

Create a "sleeve" that goes over the bare empeg unit, kinda like the car sled, that when put on the unit can then be portable with normal headphone jack in the back. Now this would have to be run off a lithium battery or notebook battery of some sort of course, and would only get roughly 4-8 hours of use outta the battery till it needs rechargeing.

I know the empeg isn't exactly small by no means. But if I'm going to take it outta my car and carry it around at school, work etc anyways why not be able to play the music where ever I'm at without haveing to plug it into a wall or other sorce of power/audio.

Would be a wonderful add-on and if anyone out there can create one of these I'd be willing to pay a fairly good amout for an add-on of this sort. Take it that a normal mp3 player now only stores several megs and on extreme cases several gigs. Why not have my home, car and portable mp3 player all in 1 package?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Battery Powered - 02/11/2001 10:44

Or you could just buy a battery-powered player. There are several on the market right now. There's the PJB, the Creative Labs unit, and now the iPod. I think there are others, too. Seems like those would be easier.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Battery Powered - 02/11/2001 10:46

By the way, do a search on the BBS for "bikempeg" for details on someone who's done this.
Posted by: CyberGlitch

Re: Battery Powered - 02/11/2001 11:54

Yea I know there are a lot of other units out there that would make this easier.

Only reason I brought it use is:
1. I wouldn't have to transfer or reorganize all my music again.
2. Fork over $300+ for a portable mp3 HD based unit.
3. Whats the fun in that? ;)
Posted by: alear

Re: Battery Powered - 02/11/2001 18:48

It doesn't sound like you are going the portable unit way. But, the Archos 6GB player goes for about $200. (But not on their website)
It has a few bugs but overall is great for the price.
Posted by: smu

Re: Battery Powered - 03/11/2001 08:03


Create a "sleeve" that goes over the bare empeg unit, kinda like the car sled, that when put on the unit can then be portable with normal headphone jack in the back.

Well, if weight isn't a too big issue, it should be doable. If I think about it, if I wanted to build this kind of thing, I would use these things, all perfectly available on the market (at least as of this day):
  • An additional sled

  • A lithium-ion battery with appropriate charger

  • A phone level amplifier

  • some light wood (Balsa?) or plastic casing

  • Don't forget a switch to be able to turn it of
Hmm, come to think of it, why use the sled, a simple combination of two cinch connectors and a 12V plug would be enough, dropping the cost by some 10$. If you would like to be able to listen to the radio though, you would need that.

One way or the other: This project is doable.

Posted by: CyberGlitch

Re: Battery Powered - 03/11/2001 09:16

The only thing I haven't been able to find is exactly how I could connect the lithium batteries to the empeg, I'm guessing threw the plug that's already there. Other then that 1 obstical I thought it would be very doable. Like you said also, weight is of no real issue here, unless of course we start talking 20+LBs =)
Posted by: smu

Re: Battery Powered - 03/11/2001 09:32


Sure you could either use the existing plug or (if you go the additional sled route) the appropriate pins of the wiring harness.

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Battery Powered - 03/11/2001 17:22

The only thing I haven't been able to find is exactly how I could connect the lithium batteries to the empeg,

You're making things more complicated and expensive than they need to be.

You don't need a lithium-ion battery. Save yourself $100 or so, and just get a 12 Volt lead acid gel-cell battery, the type used for emergency lighting systems and burglar alarms. A small six amp-hour battery will set you back about $25, and will run the empeg for about 8 hours without deep-cycling. A small automotive charger will re-charge it, cost you about $20. Radio Shack will sell you a plug that plugs right into the empeg for about $2. And they'll sell you the matching plug to put on the charger for the same price. Leave the charger plugged into the wall all the time, and just unplug the battery from the empeg and into the charger to recharge. Whole setup will cost about $50 and weigh about six pounds.

This is how I installed my empeg on my bicycle for when I commute to work. See here

Posted by: CyberGlitch

Re: Battery Powered - 03/11/2001 17:28

Thanks for the info. That helps me out a lot. =)