Customisable Infotex

Posted by: frog51

Customisable Infotex - 23/01/2002 03:39

As we have all these functions (CTIME, PLAYS etc) how about an infotex scroller which reads a line from config.ini and scrolls the contents - string and variables?


Infoscroll "Linux is groovy and Win blows" or

Infoscroll "current track is"TRACKNAME,PLAYS

Doable? Desirable?

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Customisable Infotex - 23/01/2002 09:18

I like it.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Customisable Infotex - 24/01/2002 12:08

good idea, kinda like the scrolling marque screen saver, but have strings in there for differnt things, like Time. Artist . Year, Type of visual. then keep it to one infotex visual so you dont have to scrool thru 10 of them to get the right one you want.
Posted by: Yang

Re: Customisable Infotex - 24/01/2002 12:44

It would be nice to have a scriptable display mode where you can plug in different text items. I'd really like to have a clock on the display as well as the elapsed time for the track. In the Now & Next mode, there's a spot where the time could go without having to move anything..