Player write ID3v2 tags from DB

Posted by: rbenech

Player write ID3v2 tags from DB - 22/02/2002 14:25

I did not find anything in the FAQ, but it would be great if the player software could write the ID3 tag from info gleemed from the player's database. Now that emplode is a world class tag info editor, it would be nice not to rely on a different tag editor to do this work. I guess it would have to be done on the Empeg (where the mp3 files are). With the XML output from (j)Emplode, one could argue that the database info is accessable to a tag editor on your PC, but that is not as easy as having the player app (or kernel) do it by itself. Maybe it can be a userland app that runs when in AC mode and updates tags in the background.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player write ID3v2 tags from DB - 22/02/2002 14:36

I think this is on their wish list already. They keep hinting at how Emplode is going to get bigger and better, and I'm hoping this is one of the features they'll be adding soon.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Player write ID3v2 tags from DB - 22/02/2002 18:51

Just to be clear (because some confusion happened earlier in the week in another thread), when talking about emplode, don't call it "the player."

This feature has been requested a few times before and I hope it's on the list with a good priority. I'm fine with this being a post-2.0 feature of course. This coupled with any scripting additions Roger may make will be very welcome. Then if we had some robust syncing, that would make it the near perfect management solution.
