Multiple "Marked" categories in Player

Posted by: mo3211

Multiple "Marked" categories in Player - 07/03/2002 08:27

It would be nice if you could mark a song with different markings. For example, if you have a song you need to replace because it sounds distorted, you can mark it with "Mark A". If you have a song you want to delete because you have it twice on your player, you can mark it with "Mark B". And so on. Having multiple mark categories would keep you from having to refigure out why you marked a song when you go to your emplode to manage your player.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Multiple "Marked" categories in Player - 07/03/2002 11:28

This is a good suggestion and it was requested before. Got no response at the time... I could see this as a good post-2.0 feature for them to think about.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Multiple "Marked" categories in Player - 07/03/2002 12:45

definaly a good idea.. have pre-set marks for differnt catagorys