display possibilities

Posted by: jstrain

display possibilities - 08/09/1999 08:28

after all the bugs and stuff are worked out, and production levels off, is there any possibility of introducing a model with a larger display? i know that pioneer has made a head unit specifically designed to fit large dash holes that are bigger than a din, but not quite double din. this is a great feature for people with GM cars. not only would the empeg fit/look better in one of these dashes, but you could probably do alot more with visuals, menu sizes, etc with a larger display. just a thought...


oh, i wish i wish i had an empeg...
Posted by: GeorgeLSJr

Re: display possibilities - 19/09/1999 07:46

Pretty much along the same lines, since you'd have to redesign the display, anyhow, but what about a multi-colored display? I'd love to see the visuals on a display that could do like 16 colors. (I'd prefer 256, but I'll settle for 16 due to the size of the pixels.) Think of what you see in WinAmp's visuals!!! How cool would something like that look in your car? I'd pay 100 or so bucks extra for the added colors. If it looks really good, I might even go higher...
