Save current state if emplode crashes?

Posted by: svferris

Save current state if emplode crashes? - 25/06/2002 14:02

I am very pissed at my computer right now. After making tons of changes to my empeg, I was pretty much ready to sync. Then my stupid computer crashes. Of course, all my changes are lost.

Is it possible for emplode (or maybe jemplode) to save your current state (with changes) every so often so should it crash, you can restore the changes you've made (like Outlook does with emails). Maybe it could write this out every time something changes, such as a deletion or rename.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Save current state if emplode crashes? - 25/06/2002 14:12

Word. I've had this happen an innumerable number of times. Actually the same thing happens if your sync fails for some reason and you have to power cycle the empeg or what-not. You can still try to initiate a sync using Emplode, but it will complain about the sync counter not being right and won't do the sync, forcing you to close Emplode and do EVERYTHING AGAIN.