Option to ignore all IR when in standby

Posted by: drakino

Option to ignore all IR when in standby - 11/07/2002 13:26

I've had two times now where my player has come out of standby and started playing when left in the car. The first time it was due to my empeg owning friend having his remote in his pocket, and it turned the empeg back on when he got out of the car. With the rare, but possible chance for random IR to also cause it to wake up, I'd like to see an option to just disable IR reception when in standby. It could be the potential cause of my second incident the other day, but Tony believes it to be hijack, so I'll post that over in Programming.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Option to ignore all IR when in standby - 11/07/2002 13:30

May I clarify that what I remember is that Mark said there was a prior kernel bug which meant that the player might randomly drop out of standby, and that he thought the bug had been fixed in recent releases.