Possible display bug

Posted by: dionysus

Possible display bug - 20/08/2000 11:08

...I'm not sure if this has been reported or not, so here goes:
I'm running developer 1.0

Starting from the now-next screen, if I choose a song from the search and play it by itself (not append, just play...) it show the same song name 4 times on the now-next screen..

...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Possible display bug - 20/08/2000 22:53

Wow, I remember that bug from a long time ago, but I thought it had been fixed for quite a while. Hmmm!

Tony Fabris
Posted by: dionysus

Re: Possible display bug - 21/08/2000 06:37

welp, according to bugs@empeg (who was, by the way, very fast to respond back), it's not necessarily a bug:

In reply to:

I'm not sure whether this is really a bug or not. The reason it is shown
four times is that the player is in repeat mode (after selecting a playlist
with "always repeat" selected. So, the next track is the same one, and so
on. There will probably be some work on repeat mode at some point so it will
be possible to turn this on and off on the fly.


...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units