Clock Visual Corruption when syncing

Posted by: hybrid8

Clock Visual Corruption when syncing - 24/12/2001 21:03

The clock visual is corrupted by the star field in the background when coming out of a sync operation. The star field turns into more of a laser effect (each star leaves a persistent trail into the foreground).


1. Choose the Clock visual (I'm using 12 hour mode)
2. In Emplode, edit properties for the main "Playlist" - change the comment field
3. Press OK to close window
4. Press SYNC button to begin sync.
5. When sync finishes you should see the corruption *

* My sync completes properly, but Emplode is sometimes not able to re-connect to the player. This did not happen with 2.0b3 (see new bug about this)

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Clock Visual Corruption when syncing - 24/12/2001 21:06

The stars leaving trails is a random feature of the visual I thought. Sometimes they leave trails, sometimes they don't. Press the Select Mode button to re-seed the random number.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Clock Visual Corruption when syncing - 24/12/2001 21:18

Pressing "select" or re-selecting the visual clears up the problem (thanks for the tip about select! :) The trails aren't the random starbursts that are part of the visual. When it corrupts, every star leaves a streak from where it originates all the way to where it disappears from view. The display becomes completely washed out with streaks and you can no longer read the date and the clock (since it's only every other pixel) becomes almost unreadable.

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Clock Visual Corruption when syncing - 24/12/2001 22:04


It appears this happens only when the song is PAUSED. I had the same thing happen with changing to another clock visual while paused. Unpausing caused the normal random shooting star background visual. Pausing again and cycling random seeds I was not able to reproduce this.
