Upload problem w/2.0b7

Posted by: skritch

Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 01/01/2002 03:09

Using my new 10GB Mk2a and Emplode 2.0b7, I have the following problem:

At seemingly random times during uploads of 20+ songs, theupload will fail, and Emplode will hang at "rebuilding databases". The only solution I've found is killing Emplode, and removing the power from the Empeg to reset it. (When the power is reapplied, the "synchronizing" graphic returns and moves as normal, though no data is being transferred.)

This occurs with synchronization via Ethernet (connected to a 10/100 autosensing switch).

It happened twice tonight. It wouldn't be too much of a problem, except that now I have to go through and re-remember and re-select all the failed songs that I had attempted to synchronize, as they're all buried several subfolders deep in a rather large dir tree.

The only consistencies I can think of:
* Each time, I had selected more than 20 songs for synchronization, and there were still at least 10 songs left to synchronize.
* I was playing Spider Solitaire both times.

Since I'm having USB problems as well (running XP pro), I really hope this goes away. I don't relish the idea of filling up my Empeg via serial.
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 01/01/2002 04:27

drop down to 1.03 it will be a bit quicker than serial
Posted by: skritch

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 01/01/2002 13:30

Are you saying this is a known bug with 2.0b7?
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 02/01/2002 13:10

Does this problem occur with Freecell?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 02/01/2002 14:34

ROFL good one.
Posted by: goughchr

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 03/01/2002 22:20

I'm really tired and in a hurry, so this may not be written very eloquently.... sorry....

I have had lots of problems with network syncs too. I also have a 10/100 autosensing switch.

Digging around, you can find quite a few others with the same issues, and it isnt just with 2b7.

I also had it when transferring large amounts of data. Rather, it was more pronounced when transferring large amounts, but happened off and on anyway.

My solution was to use USB, which is a shame, 'cos the whole LAN thing would have suited me better.

I *did* find a page which lists error codes and documents in heaps of detail likely problems and stuff. I will post it when I find it again.

Just wanted to say don't lose hope, and dont be disheartened by people telling you you're wrong. I got some flak when I bought this same thing up, and had people "in the know" telling me I was wrong and there is no problem. Thing is, quite a few people do get it, under uncannily similar circumstances.

I am in no way knocking the Empeg/Riocar - it is a fantastic product and those involved have well and truly outdone themselves in every respect and continue to do so. I just find it odd that people who all find similar problems under similar circumstances should get scorn heaped on them and get accused of not knowing what they're doing or being somehow responsible for it. Or even just flat out deny the problem.

Which seems odd to me - people don't go around reporting errors for fun.

I would suggest trying a 10 megabit hub, rather than a switch - preferably a commonly used one of a "good"/reliable brand. Failing that, get a straight crossover cable and plug straight into the back of one machine. I haven't got round to trying either of these options properly, 'cos USB worked so I went with it.

I *REALLY* haven't looked at much info about it, but I think it may be something to do with the transfer protocol Emplode uses not being friendly or robust with "unstable" connections, and depending on how our switches handle the data, it may goad Emplode into unhappiness. And stuff. Would also be *possibly* relevant theory in that some XP USB drivers are dodgy, thus reproducing the problem.

By the way, I commend you on your reporting - the spider solitaire reference was a good call. You reported every factor you can see, whether they seem relevant to you or not. A lot of people wouldn't have said that for fear of sounding stupid. I'm an IT consultant, and the number of times troubleshooting has been made harder by someone not mentioning factors of a problem just because they didn't want to or something are numerous to say the least.
Posted by: mandiola

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 03/01/2002 22:28

Hrm... The only problem i've had with using ethernet to my empeg was with DHCP. It sometimes wouldn't resolve and IP. I fixed this buy just connecting to it with USB and then making it use a fixed up. My network uses a 3com officeconnect 10/100 switch and it works perfect with my empeg.

Posted by: Roger

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 04/01/2002 03:14

We know that people are having problems with synchronisation with 2.0b7. I'm trying to look at these this (and next) week.

Unfortunately, it seems that this week, every time I try to run a synchronisation, I find another bug in emplode.

My game plan is to simply run lots of synchronisations on a fairly standard box until I'm convinced it's stable, then I'll be looking at other configurations. If I have time, then hopefully, this'll include WinXP and Spider Solitaire .

In the meantime, people should be aware that v2.0 is still in BETA, and is known to have problems in this area. If they're desperate to get music onto their player, then they should downgrade to v1.03.

If, on the other hand, they're not too fussed, then they should feel free to stick with v2.0b7, and report the problem. Any extra information provided (as here) will help us reproduce the problem.
Posted by: goughchr

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 04/01/2002 04:06

Thanks for the word Roger.

Just wanted to say that I was experiencing the problem with 1.02 and 1.03, which is the predominant reason why I upgraded to 2b7, and I have spoken with at least three people who I know for sure similarly had the problem through all the versions. I am sure there are more - I certainly got that impression.

I mention this purely to be informative, not to nag or whine.

Again, I have always felt and continue to feel that the standards of the product are exceptionally high, and that everyone involved has always and continues to do a fantastic job.

Its just that you said "We know that people are having problems with synchronisation with 2.0b7", and I thought you should know that it is not limited to that - indeed, I know of several cases like mine where the version seems to have little if anything to do with the problem.

I kinda figured you should know, so you don't get frustrated looking at "what has changed", as the problem may well be lower level than that.

Cheers :)
Posted by: keil

Re: Upload problem w/2.0b7 - 09/01/2002 02:09

Thanks for the low down. I've got the same prob w/ b7. Thought some additional details might help w/ problem solving.

win2000 SP2/emplode b7
RIO mk2a /b7= 10/100 hub (linksys) = PC LNE100TX
download/sync = 14 root playlists/avg. 4 subs each, 1.5GB (sorry, got the unit from SB 4 hrs ago and didn't read the BBS posts about sync issues)

All OK till:
Writing Player Configuration Completed
Restarting Player Error

Sync failed while restarting player.
An operation attempted on something that is not a socket.
(error 0x80072736)
