Seek Tool Bug

Posted by: eternalsun

Seek Tool Bug - 04/01/2002 13:48

Has this been already reported?

If I am playing a song, and I select another song via Emplode and initiate Play from within Emplode. If I then go to the Seek Tool the previous song's name is shown. If you flip through the info screens the seek tool corrects itself. None of the other info screens are affected by this bug just Seek.

Also. If you bookmark while in the middle of the song, and you come back to the bookmark, half the information recorded by the seek tool is lost, but it will continue playing from the middle and record information starting from the middle.

I noticed that the phrase points are different if the seek tool starts collecting information from the middle versus the beginning. You can see this if the seek tool formulates the phrase points from the middle, then rewind the song straight to the beginning and when it overwrites those phrase points they are different (?).

How does the phrase finder work? Many times it does not correspond to what I would imagine to be a "phrase" of music.

Posted by: prolux

Re: Seek Tool Bug - 06/01/2002 06:18

Thanks, the song name not updating is a bug.

With regard to your other points, in order for phrases and information about the track to be correct the seek tool must see the entire track in one session. The information is only saved if the entire track has been seen.

The reason for this is that only a small amount of disk space is available for dynamic information and therefore the seek tool is unable to save all the information it needs about a track in order to complete a semi-completed track.

The "phrase" finder does not correspond to musical phrases, but to variations in loudness (or overall power) of the track.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Seek Tool Bug - 07/01/2002 13:13

It would be fascinating if it not only corresponded to dynamic changes but also to frequency related content. Like if there was a dramatic change of frequency ratios then mark it as a phrase change. This would account for changes of instrument, changes of singers or tone, etc.

Posted by: frog51

Re: Seek Tool Bug - 14/01/2002 09:34

It's interesting (well it was a couple of times!) to watch the seek indicator the first time a track is played. here appears to be some sort of scaling function performed the whole time the track is scanned - if the intro is fairly quiet, it may have full, bright bars and small dark bars, but if the rest of the track is loud the intro will be downgraded - which makes sense as it is relatively quiet compared to the rest of the track. Pink Floyd tracks cause lots of this kind of behaviour - scaling up and down.