2.0b7: search too slow with a lot of songs

Posted by: dclesse

2.0b7: search too slow with a lot of songs - 06/02/2002 03:34

following this post: http://empeg.comms.net/php/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=empeg_general&Number=43645&page=&view=&sb=&o=

I tried some searches with 2 empegs (2b7)
empeg1: Riocar 30 gigs, 2gigs used
search is 'reasonable' like 1.03.
empeg2: mk2 36gigs(2x18) 30 gigs used (8000 unique songs, 10000 with linked playlists & songs)
search too slow:
3 to 5 seconds between each mode keypress (to toggle between pin, tittle, artist, ...), and also for each search keypress (letters like 'MNO'), and sometimes some keypresses are not buffered when typed in advance.

This make the search very annoying...
I tried the same before with 1.3 with the same number of songs, but it was faster.
Posted by: dclesse

Re: 2.0b7: search too slow with a lot of songs - 19/02/2002 06:22

Still the same with b11 (maybe a little bit faster).
Posted by: tonyc

Re: 2.0b7: search too slow with a lot of songs - 19/02/2002 10:35

Yeah, search speed sucks in the 2.0x betas. I would love to hear an explanation of why it used to be fast and is now slow.