I was over at a friend of mines house and he had one of those new digital picture frames. It has a 3" X 5" lcd display on it and scrolls through pictures on a cd that you put in it. Well the wife saw it and said she had to have one so I asked how much. It was $400.00 for that little bastard. Well I said no way right off the bat, then she said,"how much did that little empeg thingy cost you?". She had me. So I thought if I was going to have a digital pictureframe I wanted a big one and they were around $1100 for one about the size of a laptop screen. Well if I was going to get one that size I might as well get a laptop, cut a hole in the wall, network it to my desktop and other laptop so I could access emplode from it. So that is what I did and I also got a cool little program that is a screensaver that goes through all your pictures on your hard drive, mine is an 80GB on my desktop that I store the pictures on. In the screensaver I specified the pictures folder on my desktop since the one on the laptop pictureframe is under 1GB. I got the old Compaq laptop off of Ebay for $110 and had a network card an WALLA! Check it out at http://www.riocar.org/modules.php?set_albumName=album64&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php click on the pictures twice for the big blowup size!