I was poking the local Electronics Swap meet and I ran into a COLOR LCD Display that if my memory serves me correctly is almost the same size at the VFD in my Empeg...
In a flash the Geek side of my brain switched into COOL new toy mode and I picked it up for 20 bucks... But I digress

So back to my question has anyone given any thought to a EMPEG II that would be color or and maybe with a few more bells whisles I would glady max out my Visa for one. I know we have some real brain power here so I though I would pose the question and see if anyone bites

The display is out of a "1/2 VGA" hand held computer its a tad bigger then the empeg Face (DAMMM)

I would still be willing to MAX out my visa for a color Empeg or even a Remote dash mounted face plate (maybe touch screen)

I have already tried the display Export then running it to a computer then out to a 5in lcd didn't like it (too fuzzy)

Edited by belezeebub2 (03/07/2002 16:33)