I wanted to build my own TiVo right up until I found target was clearing out TiVos, and I bought 2 that weekend. One got a TiVonet card and is in the graveyard project pile now

Of course I then found 2 more even cheaper, one of which has since been gifted to my parents and one of which is waiting for one of my siblings to get their own place, and then will also be gifted. In another "not enough free time" meme, my own got an 80gig disk when I got busy in January and fell behind on Buffy reruns on FX. Now the sucker has probably 80 hours of programming banked that I have no time to watch, and thanks to FX skipping 2 season 5 episodes, UPN blowing it on the rerun of the musical (bastards) and my own programmning error when I was traveling for work, I'm rapidly approaching the point where I'll have to stop catching up on Buffy, or start watching stuff out of order.