> Sounds like an overheating issue. As good as the player design is, it tends to be very harsh temperature-wise on disk drives.

Just tested: cover off: 32 degrees (66F): no problems, uploading 6 songs (40Mb). Cover on, 32 degrees, within 15 seconds first errors recorded on COM1

> The symptoms you report could be a drive not liking the temperature it's being forced to run at,
> or a connector losing contact somewhere as the metal warms up and expands.

Originally I thought the same, however the reproduceable errors (lid on: within 15seconds the first error) doesn't seem to be in line with this

Empeg M2A Blue # 010101908 80Gb
Empeg M2A Blue # 030102771 with backlight buttons - Need repair (IDE cable connection on main board) - volunteers?