1) On the file dialog side, I don't have a whole lot of control here asside from rewriting the entire file dialog ... I'm just using the core Java component which is obviously not using the native dialogs. They did a lot of work on the dialog for JDK 1.4. If you're on a system that has a 1.4 VM, it may be worth upgrading to that to see if it is better.

2) I wanted to get this is for 37(-40) but just didn't have time. The tag writing part of the ID3 library we're using has some bugs still that I need to work out. But this one's pretty high on the list, so it will make it in in the next couple of releases.

3) Someone else asked about ignoring everything past the first non-numeric character. That seems like a pretty reasonable approach to it. The thing that sucks about ID3 tags (maybe some see it as a good thing, I don't know) is that there's no type information enforced -- so fields that you and I think should be numeric just allow random data.... Makes for a pain to interpret it. But I will either put a "-" in (which I need to do to other fields anyway -- like you said about title and artist) and/or make track number better.
