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As far as the move up/move down -- Can you give me the exact scenario? I found a playlist that was larger than my screen, scrolled down towards the bottom, selected a node and hit the Ctrl-Up, tried Edit=>Move Up and Right-Click=>Move Up (and down) and it stayed at the right location. Are you doing anything different than what I described here? What VM are OS are you running on?

I'm doing exactly that - Ctrl-Up or toolbar up-arrow. What I see is that I get the top of the table briefly displayed, and then back to where I was. It's just a brief flicker, but if I try to move a node up, say 20 or 30 places, it can take 10 seconds longer than it does to press Ctrl-Up those 20 or 30 times.

I'm running Blackdown-1.3.1-FCS on Linux 2.4.18 (Debian "woody" distribution).
Toby Speight
030103016 (80GB Mk2a, blue)
030102806 (0GB Mk2a, blue)