Hello all, I wonder if anyone can help with the odd glitch with my 10G Rio player 30102764 running V2.00-beta11

The player does not 'see' all the tracks that it has. Emplode shows eg. 2400 tracks but the player shows 2000. I certainly don't have 400 tracks doubled up in other directories. Here's what I found when I investigated further:

I deleted quite a few tracks but added lots of new ones today which brought the total my player displayed DOWN to 1980 tracks or there abouts. Then I
searched and played most of the music I loaded which brought the total up to
2046 as it stands now.

Emplode tells me I have 2437 tracks but my player says 2046. I have just searched the player to play a track
Emplode says I haven't played. The player found and is playing the '0 plays' track and has increased it's display to 2047

Now I have done the same with 3 more tracks, inserted them into the playlist
(not played yet but queued up) and it has increased its display to 2050.

Now that it has seen these few tracks it will probably play them next time I shuffle where it had previously not spotted them. Most of my tracks have
been played 9-13 times. Any ideas why it's not seeing 400 tracks which are
defiantely in there? Odd especially as I have 200 unplayed..... I certainly don't have 400 tracks in other playlists either

Next and still currently trying, I sorted all my tracks in Emplode to the order of number of times played and got Emplode to get the player to play all the tracks, in that order, replacing the current playlist with the new one. The player instantly saw all my tracks and is now playing them in my desired order. I am going to let 400 play before shuffling to see if it has remembered them now it's played them all

Any ideas chaps?
Kind regards
Fergus, UK

------------------------------------ Ferg, UK