I have been reading this thread for a bit .. played with the program some and wanted to add what I went through in order to maybe cut some corners for anyone else having problems.

Let me start off laying some groundwork. For starters, I am not a Linux/Unix user. I have very limited exposure to them but do understand some of the concepts. I did have to download a few things.. the developers version of the software for my player for example.

OK - I installed beta developer v13 and re-installed the new version of Hijack. I am going to assume that everyone knows how to do that already, and has them up and running.

In my case, I have DSL at home. My computer has an ethernet card that I use to connect to my DSL line. I recently added a small and cheap 5 port ethernet hub to my connection, so both my computer and DSL line are all 'hubbed'.

With this, I can use another ethernet cable and connect my empeg player. Since my DSL provider (Verizon) uses DHCP to assign IP addresses, it assigns my player an address as soon as I power it up automatically, I do nothing. I know this works, I can start up my copy of emplode and it sees the player and displays the IP address for me. It also still sees the USB connection, I could chose that if I wanted.. but anyway..

NOTE : I used FTP to send my files, and to make my CHMOD settings. It is possible to use Telnet as well, if you want.

Once you get an ethernet connection, I use my favorite FTP client (WS-FTP) to connect to the empeg player. No problems, I can connect anonymously so no login ID or pass is needed.

With my FTP program connected, it allows me to set the player in READ WRITE mode. The player is in READ ONLY mode by default. I cannot tell you how to set the player in Read Write unless you also use WS-FTP. But evidently, this is an important step, I got the afore mentioned '150' errors in FTP until I set the correct mode.

From here, I chose to make a directory under Drive0 named 'games' and uploaded my empacman file there. I also used my FTP client to set the rights to 755 for the file and the newly formed 'games' directory.

I then disconnected my FTP program and logged in to the player by way of Telnet. There is a pretty good link in this thread somewhere that told me how, if I remember exactly where I would say but sorry. I found it, you can too. Once connected via Telnet, I executed the file by typing './empacman' and then (if I remember right) logged out of Telnet.

I then brought back up my FTP client and set the player back to READ ONLY mode. <-- Do NOT forget to do this or else bad things can happen.

At this point, I could enter HiJack and the menu selection was there, the game started with no problem.

I am now at a familiar problem, how to keep the setting in the HiJack menu. This is beyond my grasp so I cannot give any insights here. Believe me, I will be reading to see if anyone can post a step by step solution for the rest of us.

If anyone is still seeking help, at least up to this point, feel free to email and I will be glad to do what I can. Remember, I am no guru when it comes to this stuff.. but I did learn a few things installing this program.
Carl Aydelotte Dallas Texas USA empeg MKII 080000506 40gb-green