I've got a problem with IE6, it refuses to open new windows. It doesn't matter whether the new window is opened by script using window.open() or by me choosing "open in new window" or by a bit of HTML setting the target of an <A> tag to "_blank".

Anytime that a new window is called for a new IE window appears as normal, with menu bar, status bar and toolbar. The problem is nothing ever appears in the address box and the window does not navigate to the requested page. This is obviously not a useful new feature...

I have had this happen once before (about six months ago) when I managed to fix it when the new IE service pack came out (installing the service page made the problem go away).

I was going to try and uninstall and reinstall it, but that doesn't appear to be an option as IE6 doesn't seem to appear in my "add/remove programs" list.

I tried running the installer, hoping it would give me a "repair" option, but all it did was update Windows Media (without asking me if I wanted it upgraded).

Any suggestions ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday