Sorry Hugo, I have to press you a little on this one. You guys are always going to be making changes (I hope) and whoever maintains other platform sync software is always going to have to play catchup. This is not that big a deal as long as you always update the specs when you release an updated version of the classes. I am sure you guys maintain internal documentation as you do upgrades so it shouldn't be that big a deal to make that documentation publicly available and up-to-date.

PPC/Sparc/Alpha/MIPS/(name your favorite platform/OS here) may only make up 10 percent of you target audience combined, but if you can grab this 10% for the price of keeping some docs and classes up to date isn't it worth it?


OK, so maybe I am biased because I have been doing a bit of java programming recently, but it is really nice to have stuff that I can use on any of my computers (yes there is quite a variety).

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration