For those staying in the cabins, please call 1-800-282-7275 to pay for your lodging in advance. We have until 8/20 to pay the cabins in full. The fee will be $29.00 per person for each night. That will take care of the taxes and other fees charged. The cabins will be assigned to the group a week or two before the meet and they said they would try their best to have them close together. You can decide on the assignments when you arrive so you can decide whom you want to stay with. Those that need a room together (couples or friends) will be able to do so, there are enough rooms.

Friday evening:

We will meet at the lodge at 6:00 PM for dinner. We will either eat at the lodge or drive into Oxford where there is a choice of a few restaurants. It will give us a chance to start to get to know each other. There are some pinball games and other things to do in the lodge. Later we will have a nice fire going in one of the cabins to socialize. I will be arriving in the early afternoon to make sure things are ready and to get the cabin keys.

Saturday morning:

I will be the breakfast cook for those that want to eat (I promise my cooking won’t kill you). I’ll whip up some pancakes and bacon and sausage or you can have eggs and toast. Coffee, tea and juice will be available.

Saturday afternoon:

We will meet at the lodge at 12:00 for lunch with the competitions to follow. Please park in the very top of the lodge parking lot. They are allowing us to have our sound competitions there. There are plenty of prizes for the winners. We will have one for the best sound, best professional install, best amateur install, distance award, oldest and newest vehicles with an empeg installed, EQ competition and of course the trivia contest. We will have a drawing for the tuner that Rob is donating, only those that don’t have one already are allowed to enter (that excludes me).

Saturday evening:

We will meet in the campgrounds around 6:00 PM (we will have two sites next to each other) for the dinner cookout, which will include brats and burgers and all of the fixings to go with them. We will stay there after dinner for the bonfire and marshmallow roasting until we get kicked out at which time we can go back to the cabins.

Sunday morning and afternoon:

We can meet for breakfast at the lodge around 9:00 AM if you are awake and hungry. Around 11:00 we will be going on a road trip to Brookville Lake (about an hour drive and worth the trip), so be packed and ready to go, where we will cook lunch on the beach and watch the boats go by. There are trails and woods nearby to explore for the adventurous.

There will be some free time to do what you want and time for some bike riding if you bring them. If you need arrangements to be picked up at an airport let me know and I’ll find someone to fetch you.

I’ll be figuring out a cost for the meals a couple of weeks before the meet and give you a chance to send a check to me so I can go buy the food. I’ll try to keep the cost down. Please bring your own drinks and snacks that you want to have. There is a camp store nearby and also some stores in Oxford for beer runs. I would also bring folding chairs if you can.

I haven't heard anything back on a rock climbing trip in Kentucky yet.

MKI #017/90
