
Anyone have a pointer to the gdb binary for the empeg? I managed to get a cross-compile toolchain set up (on linux-Alpha, so if there's any one who wants a tarball, let me know), and am hacking -- as in "I'm a complete hack", not "I'm a l33t h4x0r" -- my way through a launcher app to launch items from a hijack menu (so I hope). I have lots of lovely segfaults. I know where, just not why. I need... no, I crave gdb, so I can figure out why...

I've searched about, and the only version I can find requires newer versions of libc than is available on the empeg.

Thanks for any... um... pointers,

PS... I got it to work with a single hard-coded app (a modified version of viewer). All I need to do now is make it easy/useful to use... :P