If you're having serial problems, you could use Hijack's FTP server to store it to /proc/empeg_bootlogos. But you probably want to get your serial working anyway (for next time you have to put Hijack onto a new official player release).

[Hmm, wonders... - it must be possible to remove the kernel chunk from an Empeg *.upgrade file, leaving Hijack in place providing /proc/empeg_kernel, and never needing serial again. Didn't smu write a packager? What would be really cunning would be to write an unpackager to run in the player kernel so we could send an upgrade file to /dev/empeg_upgrade and have it write the disk partitions etc. Not sure that it would work while the kernel is running, though.]
Toby Speight
030103016 (80GB Mk2a, blue)
030102806 (0GB Mk2a, blue)