All i wanted to know was if there was anyway that I could purchase the am/fm modulator for the RioCar system or buy some kind of attachment to get am/fm without spending that much money.

Careful with the semantics you are using. The terms "Modulator" and "AM/FM Tuner" are not interchangeable and are actually opposite:

"Modulator": Turns some kind of an audio signal into a radio frequency.
"Tuner": Receives a radio frequency and turns it into an audio signal.

The thing you saw on ebay for $300.00 is a TUNER not a modulator.

I just wanted to know if i could get am/fm on the player any other way.

To have AM/FM actually integrated with the player, the empeg tuner module is the only way. There will be a kit version being sold soon by Patrick and I'm not sure of its final cost, although it will be less than $300.00.

The other options are:

- Install two stereos in your dash if you have room for it. Use the aux-in and aux-out connectors to daisy chain them.

- Get some kind of a portable radio and plug its headphone output into the empeg's aux-in.
Tony Fabris