Yes it is not that poverty is more widespread, but it is the fact that our standard of living has risen. If you can't afford a car or you drive a POS hoopty buick from the eighties you are considered poor. But 200 years ago, the richest man in the world couldn't buy any car. Nobody starves to death in the US anymore. Yet, there are still many who are considered poor. I am poor by today's standards, but compared to people living 1000 years ago I live like a king. I can eat and drink all I want of pretty much any type of food or drink. I can travel hundreds of miles a day with little physical effort. I have nice clothes and air conditioned/heated shelter. I can crap in a toilet as opposed to digging a hole in the woods. And I have the freedom to live my life as I wish.

I believe in capitalism all the way, because it is fair. Corruption is not part of the system but corruption will find it's way into any system anyone creates. There are rich thieves and poor theives. In my eyes, the person holding up the local Stop 'n Rob is just as guilty as the CEO stealing 50 mil.