How big is that? The remote, that is, not the overlay. And does it support long presses?

5.5" by 2" by 1" (LWH, where H = thickness)

It supports long presses on some but not all buttons. I am embarassed to admit that I don't use my remote all that much and thus am not entirely conversant with which buttons are supposed to support long presses and under what circumstances.

VOL +/-
Next/Prev track
Number Pad

all support long presses.

None of the other buttons seem to do so, but I don't know if they should do so (compared to the Rio remote) or not.

The RC-600 does not have all of the functionality of the Rio remote. There are no buttons to perform the following functions that are available on the Rio remote:

Power: Press and hold the RC-600 Source button and it changes source, then turns off the audio but leaves visuals running -- always the same visual: Swarm. With player in standby, the RC-600 Source button will bring it back to life.

Tuner: Nothing analagous

Select mode: Nothing analagous

Sound/Equalizer: Nothing analagous

Mark: Presss-and-hold the "4" button like on the original empeg remote.

The >|| (pause) button does not attenuate the sound like it does in the Rio remote when you press-and-hold. But there is an attenuate button on the RC-600 that doesn't work right -- it just pauses the player -- that perhaps could be re-mapped with Hijack to actually attenuate.

Info/Detail: Nothing analagous

This last one (Info/Detail) is the only one that I, personally, feel the lack of. If the RC-600's attenuate button supported long presses, I would be tempted to install Hijack and remap that button to Info/Detail. (Am I the only person on the bbs not running Hijack? :-)

The RC-600 is not a perfect replacement for the Rio remote, lacking some of the more esoteric functions, but for me, at least, it is almost entirely satisfactory, and has the benefits of being large enough to operate comfortably and not get lost, plus being readily available for a reasonable price.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"