Oops, sorry didn't check the ICE forum as much as I should.

I chopped the original harness and wired in an ISO connector (for UKers I paid £1.50 at a trade shop for *exactly* the same Autoleads connector that costs £11.99 in Halfrauds!) but only one rear speaker works! I think the wirinng is a bit shot but I've got to buy a large Torx driver to get a rear seats out.

Otherwise it is all done! It passed the MOT after some final glitches with the brake/turn signals (like they were the same) and it is now registered - J587 LRV no less!

It is absolutely crazy to drive, about 50% of people stare at it (walking into lamp posts etc.) and the other 50% point and say something to the people they are walking/driving with! (probably how the f£$ does he park that!?)

