If you haven't installed CharcoalGray's web interface 1.3, you're really missing a wonderful part of the empeg home experience. You can drive your empeg from the couch with your wireless laptop. Thanks to CharcoalGray and Mark Lord (for Hijack, which provides the ftp/http server).

Version 1.3 of the web interface includes support for inserts into the current playlist. Don't know if they're possible, but here are a coupla thoughts:

1) There's currently no visual feedback for inserts. You can click on the insert icon, but not know if you hit it properly. Is there a way to change the icon when you click it? Better would be some response from the player, but it would be good to have a mouse-over or other way of knowing that you hit the icon.

2) You can select whether an insert is an insert, enqueue, or append. But the player forgets your selection and reverts to insert each time you load a new page. Could your preference be saved? Set a cookie? Add a string "?insert=enqueue" to the url?

Fantastic contribution, CharcoalGray! Thanks!
