You mean only NOW is your wife "starting to warm to the idea" of an empeg? What the heck was her opinion of this the whole time?

She was lukewarm to it for a while.

Until I got the subwoofer installed, she wasn't impressed with the sound of it and thought the Empeg was to blame. Putting in the subwoofer and re-EQing everything turned that around.

She also got irritated at the sudden changes in volume from album to album when I'd shuffle-play things. Rjlov's volume adjustment kernel has helped that a bit.

She didn't like the lack of a volume knob, but over the last couple weeks, she's gotten used to the hold-down-the-buttons method and is now proficient with it.

The amount of fiddling and tweaking I do to the system is a source of contention. But she understands that my car stereo is one of my hobbies, and has tolerated it even before I owned the Empeg.

The fact that I have to pull the thing out and lug it around with me is a bit of a problem for her, but she understands the necessity of it and even nags me if I've chosen to leave the unit in the car (which is very rare- only in broad daylight and only if I'm just running in the store for a minute).

Finally, the whole idea of having all that music shuffle-played was foreign to her, and until taking these recent long trips with me, she didn't realize how it can really help pass the time. Now that she's taken some long journeys without hearing the same song twice, she's actually said things like "now I can understand what this is all about".

Like I said, there's hope.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris