Looking forward,
to when you actually want to start working with the XML playlist file.
you will find it quite tedious to read in and process the XML file the hard way in VB.

Best to use the MS XML 3 [or 4] COM library - have a search at msdn.microsoft.com for the MXSML SDK and download it and use that.

It takes about 4 lines of VB code to read in and parse a XML document
e.g. [something like].
(Add a reference to the MSXML3 (or 4) library to your VB project.)
then in you code do this:

dim xmlobj as new xmlDom.DomDocument30

xmlobj.async =false
xmlobj.load ("path to xml file")

You will have to do some more VB code to work with the XML document loaded in xmlobj, but again a few line sof VB code will get you what you want I think far quicker than working with regular file IO routines.