Ok, I got one for you guys.

I'm running Windows 2000, and my Plextor CD-R keeps "unplugging" itself. That is, it pops up that "DEVICE UNPLUGGED" dialog box (like what you get if you remove a USB device without "ejecting" it). It tells me that I should make sure to eject the device before unplugging it. But it's a freaking internal CD-R! After I get this error, my CD-R disappears from My Computer, and I have to reboot to get it back.

Somebody suggested it's a bad cable. I suppose that's possible. I also have it hooked to some cheapo controller card that I got free with my HD.

Anybody ever seen this before?
__________________ Scott MKIIa 10GB - 2.0b11 w/Hijack MKIIa 60GB - 2.0 final w/Hijack