I wanted half-a-smiley, but that didn't exist.

Thorsten: Dude, you've gotta take life less seriously. I was (mostly?) joking. You can do what you want with your empeg. I think that you'll be seriously underimpressed with Wince if you get it installed (although it's about a million times better now than in its FCS). But, really, I'm just ribbing you.

At the same time, if you do get it installed and doing something useful, I'd like to see it.

And I'm not a BSD-zealot. I'm a right-solution-for-the-problem zealot. I just happen to think that Linux has gotten so fractured in the last few years that it's very hard for it to be the right solution out-of-the-box for pretty much any problem. IMO, this is mostly RedHat's fault in that everything has to be their way. And that's not even their fault. It's the fault of all the people that glommed onto it and think that it's the best thing ever, despite the fact that it's mostly just copying things that had been done before.

Case in point: on the comp.unix.solaris or comp.sys.sun.admin newsgroup, someone recently asked a question that had a codecil of something like ``I've done this under Linux using dd. Does Solaris have a command like that?''.

I also have a problem with bandwagon-jumping, which is what Linux has mostly turned into these days. Not that it's not a useful-for-certain-applications OS or that it's not better than pretty much any Microsoft OS.

Edit: Also notice that I'm a little annoyed at Windows right now because I was at another office last week helping some morons set up some Solaris servers and I was endlessly ribbed by the Windows ``admins'' (I use the term loosely here) that Windows was better because it was pretty. I kid you not.
Bitt Faulk