I'm finally getting round to putting together a temperature (and hopefully humidty) monitoring system for my servers. I am using a neat little kit from http://www.qkits.com/serv/qkits/diy/pages/QK145.asp which gives you the ability to attach four separate DS1820 sensors via a COM port.

I've built the kit sucessfully, only took me half an hour despite the fact I haven't soldered for 10 years.

I'm trying to come up with a sensible way to attach the DS1820 ICs though. They will be on the end of a run of CAT5 cable.

At the moment I have one wired up to test the kit like this:

Please try to ignore the quality of the soldering, I can do better on these joints if I take my time...

I was planning to heat shrink wrap the individual joints and then heat shrink wrap the whole package. The question is, am I asking for trouble ? Am I going to end up with failing joints in six months time ? Is there a better way ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday