I used mine very successfully in a Range Rover, by leaving the radio in place and installing the Empeg instead in the central dashboard airvents, which, if you have AirCon, don't bring much to the party.

A relay on the "amp out" of the Empeg switched over the amp input between the original(Clarion) head unit and the Empeg. Another switched the head unit off when you switched the Empeg on.

The advantages being, that my wife could use the car when I am using the Empeg in my car (She only listens to radio 2!) and you don't need the, currently very rare, tuner module.

I would beware of the Range Rover mounting slot, not just because of the angle (even Clarion recommend 4 degrees for best operation), but it gets really hot, even when you're not using the heater. The truth is, that slot dates from when cars only had a radio, before the cassette became common, at which time it wasn't so critical.

In short, it's a no, no for the welfare of our most precious possession.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag