AT LAST!!! 10 months of torture!!

Today I finished installing My 60GB Empeg in my '96 M3. I have the premium 10 speaker sound system (apparantly there's a base version) so I decided to try the factory amplifier. It sounds really good. It isn't loud at all, but it's more than enough with the windows down up to 60 mph. The spacial enhancement circuitry still works, but doesn't seem quite as pronounced as before.

I've written up a quick tutorial for those who would like to know more about how to do the install with a minimum of fuss.

Also, I have to give a nod to Tony. I never realized what it would be like having my entire music collection at my fingertips. My radio listening is down 95% (I begin to wonder if I should have bought it), and my interest in slaving a CD changer to the unit has become purely academic (though I plan on following through some day).

All afternoon evening while driving down the road I've found myself breaking into an ear splitting grin for no apparant reason. Have I found the path to Nirvana?