I've had my empeg in my car for a few months now, and it's great of course. But there is an annoying problem regarding power and I need some suggestions.

There seems to be an issue with power (or lack thereof, apparently). I read somewhere a while ago about the battery icon coming up when power dips below some threshold. My player has been doing this a lot recently. Along with the battery icon, the player itself (audio and display) seems to reset for about 5 seconds with the led flashing but the processor keeps going because when the music returns it continues as if it was playing during the audio outage. While it happens intermittently, it mostly occurs when the car is idling with the lights on and I do something that draws power, like braking, signaling, etc. Sometimes it will do it often, and even reset a few times while I’m waiting at a light, some days it wont happen at all. Needless to say when it is doing this, it is very annoying.

So what can be done about it? I suspect that maybe accidentally leaving my lights on and running down the battery a couple of times may have caused the battery to be weaker than it was and the strain of multiple sources of power while idling causes it to dip below the threshold for a moment. But the car power seems to be functioning normally otherwise, so I don't want to replace the battery if I don't have to. For instance, maybe this is a known issue with the empeg or something can be done about adjusting the threshold level via software.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
introvert Charlotte, NC 60GB Mk2a - Blue